Donnerstag, 25. Februar 2016

Freitag, 19. Februar 2016

Heres some progress on the dwarf!

SpeedPaint 19.02

Speedpainting 19.02 - 40 min. Oneway street in Saxonia.
Sadly this was a nother day without drawign for m own project. 
Hope to update the Dinotopia challange soon.

Dienstag, 16. Februar 2016

Dinotopia challenge - greyscale

next step in process: rough greyscale touches in midkey values
                           Heres a goblin( WIP) for the project im working on now.The legs are off perspective and need some changing but i was mostly focusing on the upper body for now

routine is starting...

Speedpainting 40 mins, valuestudy
Scene of old Tokio - taken from a photograph

See, since january 2016, i try to do a speedpaint a day.
Unfortunetly its not working out for ever day but still there are more and more coming.
This is it for today. From now on, i'll post all speedpaints.
So see you soon.