Samstag, 19. März 2016

for the boys...

finaly my own castle... an old childhood dream.
can't get rid of the feeling that this map would give a good 
bordgame board. but what to play on it? from slums to bums,
plague doctor, dont be eaten by the rat or 10 wasy to die in medieval?
mhhh, maybe i stick to art and leave the GD to the experts.

Samstag, 12. März 2016

A quick zbrush doodle of some organic insect-pod I had in mind, I still do not understand why the new version hides the zsphere tool . It is in there , somewhere, but I have to use the examplefile to get some zspheresketching going @_@
Yet after all the trouble, it is still an amazing tool .

Mittwoch, 2. März 2016

So heres an almost 2 years old sketch i found on a hard disk and im thinking of continuing cause i kinda like the mood. What do you guys think i should make? I was thinking of making him like an old cyborg-medieval king or something :P

drawing secret projects

...not so secret anymore. I want to draw more.

Hello, first time I contribute something here.
I am recently learning zbrush/classic sculpting and oilpainting, which helps a lot to be open minded in terms of workflow and problem solving. 

smudge ... smudge everywhere =  here I try myself at some edgecontrol practice, so just a tiny bit of the painting to demonstrate it, it is still pretty messy, but locking everything down to being "sharp" is not necessarily a good thing for everything.

symmetry...symmetry everywhere. 

Very cool thing if you want to create pompous ruins without relying on photos too much, takes only a few minutes to set this up and is a lot of fun. I like to work smart when suitable.

Or just paint everything.. this one is a warmup painting from a month ago, taken a little bit too far for the purpose. I do not like the titty armor and the pose is terrible. Good blog-grave material eh ?


time to do new stuff...
inspired by a photograph of NationalGeographic